> K A R M A < Three naked body...

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<<Three distinct women…
Several but united, clinging to each other in a harmonic twist and lecting of naked bodies… in a sweetness that enhances the image and elevates it…
It is the sweetest hug-non-hug that women can exchange. Pure union of souls, mutual protection, strong, effective, but sweet as ever… Three different faceless women…
To mean that, regardless of the physical differences and not that the three women possess, in fact THEY ARE and SHOULD BE CONSIDERED as equal and valuable in the same way…
Three women who can “shield” each other and protect themselves with all the strength and sweetness of their being women…>>

[ Irma Greco ]


All-virtual composition made of 3D graphics: the models posed inside Poser and then switched to 3d Max for the final setup of the scene and the render via VRay!

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