FINE (SM)ART PHOTOGRAPHY, a blow to the Soul!

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It’s more for play and fun than for real artistic needs, I wanted to try to disrup the normality of some types of “Fine Art Photography” found on the net, reconstruing them in “3D digital graphics”, and inserting in the photos of the upheavals fantastic and surreal (the MS in the title stands for “SurrealisM”) thus exceeding the limits of the “possible” and giving the images in question, despite the obvious technical imperfections, and the very poor photorealism, a deep and unprecedented emotional power!

Here, then, are the first four images of this very particular and very difficult project, accompanied by the passionate and “felt” feelings of Irma, dear friend who accompanied me and supported me throughout the process of creating images and I’ll never stop thanking!



Uprooted trees, suspended… Without gravity and no longer any connection between them and their land, immersed in an ethereal luminous environment, but also ghostly and fearful. It is us, uprooted men of today’s society… torn, fleeing, from the fertile terrain that has become hostile… And so, without leaves, with roots in the wind, we go on in a gloomy atmosphere, without even understanding how, without understanding where… 


Four Elephants… They are angels who, with different features from the classic ones, fly in opposite directions in the sky of a wonderful earthly paradise! Angels that, although heavy and corpulent, integrate into the landscape, becoming ethereal in turn… And the tree, center of gravity, is like a flower that attracts them, so they rejoin during their vaulting…. The colors are exceptional. Peace and relaxation. Poetry. Because not everything is always as we imagine it: canonical, obvious, stereotyped… Things can also take on different shapes and sizes… But still communicate learia, harmony and peace… Appearances deceive, but using the right context and delicacy, then everything takes on a different color and “flavor”!


We are too far away, now, from the days when we looked at the sea or a beautiful landscape and felt the heart beat hard, and only those who kept inside if a little child can still do it… Here
is the most primordial and unspoiled nature the absolute protagonist. Yet, over there, it dominates the pirate boat, a symbol of great innocence and the simplest and purest form of play. Because only the purity of a candid soul can approach so gently to feel nature vibrate, which is the truest and most recondite part of ourselves but which, more and more often, is repressed and oppressed. We take everything for granted by forgetting our origins, believing that the real and livable world is what we
live. Moved by the most advanced technologies we hasten blindly, forgetting that, at least sometimes, we should slow down, breathe, observe what nature has granted us. It is the boat that “crys out” this profound message, while slow and delicate crosses this enchantment forbidden to more mature and prevented eyes
… And even stronger comes the message inherent in the waving of the flag of pirates: it is the extreme symbol of the fight against the oppression of today’s society that it takes hard, fearless, cold calculators in the affections and management of everything. And just like pirates, eternally in conflict with the world, one must rebel against the “current” in order to still be able to navigate those calm waters and enjoy the beauty and enchantment to the full.


All in a row, seemingly the same, next to each other… The perfect representation of us, human beings, who travel life side by side but never really look at us. Only by turning to look at our neighbor would we notice his inner arrogance… how his soul is actually intertwined and therefore unable to perceive reality as it appears to others. An
d I feel the soul of that tree knotted on itself, and I have the impression that that atmosphere, in which time has crystallized, is the exact outward projection of what he feels… the whole image shows us a distorted, unreal, “clouded” reality, the same reality that the tree feels and lives! And
in this fantastic atmosphere, where those who stand by you pretend despite everything not to know you and sadly try to get away from you, the birds, with their soul still simple and innocent, manage instead to approach a twisted soul. They represent purity, the absence of preconceptions. Only those who possess these qualities can notice the inner turmoil of the other, because they can read their souls, not stopping at the appearance.


All 4 images are entirely made of 3D computer graphics through the cross-use of different professional software. The objects an
d materials of the scenes are partly modeled from scratch and partly taken from online collections of ready-made models. The skies in the background are “real” my photographs inserted in the sc
ene 3D… Advanced lighting is managed entirely within the modeling programs (3dMax) and the final renderings entrusted to Vray
! Reworking, miscellaneous editing, tone-mapping, etc., as always in Photoshop!

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