Fabulous Sicilian Mermaid!

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Fabulous Sicilian Mermaids

The Sirens, fabulous mythological (and religious) figures of Greek origin.
Mermaid are mentioned by Omero in the Odyssey, by Apollonio Rodio in the Argonauts, by Libanio in Progymnasmata IV, and then again by Ovidio, Platone, Strabone, Oscar Wilde, Tomasi di Lampedusa and many others…
Very famous The Little Mermaid (by Hans Christian Andersen), which was picked up by Walt Disney, and many painters who represented them in a variety of ways: Gustav Klimt, Evelyn de Morgan, J. William Waterhouse, Gustav Wertheimer, H. James Draper!

And I too, in my little one, fascinated by the sea and these mythological creatures, continue my photographic hunt to the splendid mermaids in the wonderful seabed along the Palermo coasts.
The Sicilian Mermaids can be seen very rarely in the sea of the rnatural eserve of Capo Gallo, especially in the coastal zone called “Avamposto” and in the front of the Grotta dell’Olio, and that’s here that these fantastic shots were made, breathless, with great patience and with so much effort!

Apart from the jokes, a big hug and a special thanks to the talented artists who allowed the realization of these picture: Luna, Glenda, Manuela, Silvia, Raffella and Laura.

If you want to know more about the myth of the Mermaid I refer you to The Myth of the Mermaids on the site The art of looking at art!


Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Sirene Sicilia
Fotografia Underwater Palermo - Fabio Corselli
Fabio Corselli Fotografo Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Sirenetta Bella - Fabio Corselli Fotografia
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Sirenetta Bella - Fabio Corselli Fotografia
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fabio Corselli - Sirene Sicilia
Fabio Corselli - Fotografia Underwater Palermo
Fotografia Underwater Palermo - Fabio Corselli
Fabio Corselli - Sirene Sicilia
Fabio Corselli - Sirene Sicilia
Fotografia Underwater Palermo - Fabio Corselli


At sea, underwater, absolutely in apnea together with the splendid Little Mermaids!

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