"Proiecto": beautiful flowers on the naked body!

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Beautiful flowers on the naked body…

Proiecto, from Latin, understood as projecting, stretching forward, representing on a plane…
And in fact it is precisely the projection of my most beautiful floral photos that illuminates the scene, to dress (sometimes "color") the model, to be represented on her naked body.

Here I present the first fantastic series of 5 photos of the project, with collages that also include the floral photo used for the projection, the name of the flower (or insect), and other info… everything in Latin that's cooler!



No photographic machine, in this project, no projector, no real models… The images are renderings of complex virtual scenes made entirely in 3D graphics!!
The 3D scene is made entirely within Poser, from modeling, to managing lights and virtual projector to making the final photorealistic. Latest tweaks, as always, in Photoshop!

Fun fact: some photos have been edited before the projection to better fit the model's body!

I invite you to share on Social… Thank you all!

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